Emergency and Exit Lighting

One of the most commonly asked questions by building owners and tenants and first home builders is do they need Emergency and Exit Lighting. We let them know to check the (BCA) – Building Code of Australia which outlines all regulations. There are different regulations & obligations depending on the age of the building etc, ‘CMK Electrical & Data’ have a lot of industry knowledge when it comes to Emergency & Exit Lighting some of the services include, replace defective lamps, clean all signs in regards to Australian standards, operate the exit and emergency lighting systems from their battery supply and ensure that they remain illuminated for at least 90 minutes & advise those responsible for the operation of equipment of any changes or adjustments. Call CMK Today For All Enquires.
In any workplace, emergency and exit lighting is required by law. It is an essential life safety device. Our team here at CMK are fully qualified to install emergency and exit lights in any shape or form. Call us at any time for a quote and to find out when we can come out and help you.